Since 2016, we deliver results to our clients worldwide.

Make it happen with us.


Dream it.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to work in a specific field in the development cooperation field and you are newcomer or you have several years of expertise. Maybe you want to turn your life into something more. Whatever it is, the way you live your story can make all the difference.

Build it.

It all begins with working with De Witte & Brown. We build the best projects starting from the consortium selection (when required) and preparing the best proposals to make our bids successful. We work work with the major donor worldwide, the European Commission, and many others.

Grow it.

It all begins by securing the best proposal with our team of experts and with you when joining our company to translate the proposal into a methodology which will give the expected results to the required needs. We don”t stop until we make it happen.


Sell it.

It all begins with an evaluation. Once we submit our proposals, our successful ratios demonstrate our understanding and professional manner to appraise what we have been requested for. Our gender balance approach is always upfront in all our work.

Implement it.

It all begins with a contract signature. This is where you as expert will carried out the work with our team of consultants and our backstopping, either working as a sole company or in the best possible consortium. Until the contract ends successfully.

Secure it.

It all begins with a good financial structure. At De Witte & Brown we understand one of our most precious tools to make our company successful and our client glad of us is to have a safe and sound financial structure to make payments to our teams and suppliers in time.